A – AN – THE – Articles in English
Here you will learn how to use these articles properly. Articles are used to introduce nouns in a noun phrase, they are placed before a noun. “A“, “an”, and “the” are articles that must be used to clarify the meaning of your phrase in English.
They are used also to indicate whether the noun is:
- Singular or plural.
- Specific noun or any noun of that type.
- If the subject we are talking about is a new noun or a noun that has already been introduced in the conversation.
There are two types of articles: indefinite and definite:
Indefinite Articles – A and An
A and An are indefinite articles, use them before singular nouns.
Use A before words beginning with consonants:
A boy.
A girl.
A bicycle
A notebook.
A house.
Use an (not a) before these words that begin with a silent h:
An hour.
An honor.
Use an (not a) before MBA:
Study Also:
Use AN before words beginning with vowels (a, e, i, o, u).
An apple.
An egg.
An island.
An umbrella.
An endless story.
Use a (not an) before these words that begin with u sounding “you”:
A uniform.
A university.
Do not use the indefinite article with plural nouns:
Boys and girls have to go to school. (plural, no article “a“)
Houses need to be cleaned every week. (plural, no article “a“)
Bicycles must have good tires to be safe. (plural, no article “a“)
Lesson Reminder – A and An:
A bicycle. (begins with a consonant)
A car. (begins with a consonant)
A diamond. (begins with a consonant)
A fan. (begins with a consonant)
A gate. (begins with a consonant)
A uniform. (begins with the sound of a consonant: “you”)
A university. (begins with the sound of a consonant: “you”)
An apple. (begins with the vowel a)
An egg. (begins with the vowel e)
An island. (begins with the vowel i)
An orange. (begins with the vowel o)
An umbrella. (begins with the vowel u)
An hour. (exception: the sound of a vowel)
An honor. (exception: begins with a vowel sound)
An MBA. (exception: begins with a vowel sound “em be ayy”)
Definite Article – The
It is used to indicate a specific noun. Someone or something that was discussed before, one likely to be known to all participants, or one that is important or exceptional.
It can be used before both a singular or plural noun.
The apples from farm XYZ are so delicious.
The house is beautiful.
The refrigerator is full.
The woman is tired. (A woman that we have previously talked about).
The university is really nice.
The boy lives very far away. (singular)
The boys live very far away. (plural)
The United States of America is a very big country.
Study Also:
Abbreviations Cohesion and Coherence Collocations Comparative Conditionals Frequent Errors Future Continuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Continuous Future Simple Homonyms Interjections Journaling Learn English Linking Words Logical Flow Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Past Simple Plural Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Present Simple Pronunciation Question Tags Quiz Quotes Simple Future Simple Past Simple Present Spelling Superlative Transition Words
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