Advantages of knowing English in the Corporate World
The world is increasingly connected and in a globalized reality learning a second language is important. Globalization makes us interact with different media, such as social networks, magazines, original book sources, apps, and virtual games, among many other options that force us to be in constant contact with a new language. But here, let’s talk about the advantages of knowing English in the corporate world.
There are numerous benefits to learning a new language, and studies conducted around the world have previously established these advantages, with the following being the most strongly supported:
- Get to know a new culture.
- Memory improvement.
- Better decision-making.
- Lower the rate for some cognitive diseases.
- Acting as a multitasker.
Faced with all this tangible information, we must answer some basic questions to understand why we learn a new language. Which language to choose? How to learn a new language? Why choose English to learn over other languages? Is English really necessary for the corporate world?
Why English?
We could answer countless questions about this, but we need to understand what each individual is really looking for when they want to learn another language, as it is not just learning syntax, verb tenses, articles, nouns, and sentence construction, among others. Learning a new language requires much more than spelling and grammar, it requires the ability to understand the language within a culture and learn its particularities. Think of how a child learns language, if not through interactions and meaning. Our intention is not to explain the history of language acquisition, but just to situate the reader, that learning something is always based on some great theory of a time, tracing powerful aspects that can be considered in the present day.
Linguistics and psychology are the main areas of knowledge on the subject of acquiring a mother language or a second or third language. Skinner, a behaviorist, believed in learning by imitation and positive reinforcement. Chomsky proposes that human beings acquire language innately, already carrying a Universal Grammar. On the other hand, Piaget stated that language develops through the mediation of others.
The fact is that, regardless of the chosen approach, motivation can be essential in this language teaching/learning process. We all have our resources like time, and energy, among others, but we are particular in our motivations. As long as there is motivation, we will dedicate time and maybe money to make this fluency happen satisfactorily so that we can achieve something we want. Motivation will also be responsible for our discipline to reach the final goal, modifying our attention, thinking, behavior and performance.
When we examine the volume of information we receive each day, we see that English predominates among other languages. We will certainly come across English phrases in the corporate world or an American song or movie. We can conclude that, on a variety of levels, we consume American and British markets, but let’s just focus on the language. Just with this data, we can conclude, in case you have any doubts, the first language to be learned is English. It is considered an international language and it allows us to not be tied to a geographic location. English opens doors, opportunities in the corporate world, increasing the capacity for professional growth, and competitiveness within the search for new job markets.
Corporate World
Currently, many companies, require at least an intermediate level of English for some positions that have to communicate through e-mails or occasional meetings. People who have English as a second language and use it to their advantage, in addition to having better opportunities, end up choosing what is in line with their values and may have better salaries. We can conclude that learning a new language can bring more benefits than you might think. English is a universal language and is increasingly demanded in the professional world.
So what are you waiting for to get started? Our next texts will explain a little more about “Learning”. Does it make a difference?
Words to remember:
Globalization: the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence.
Predominates: great in number or amount; be the strongest or main element.
Competitiveness: to compete; possession of a strong desire to be more successful than others.
Study Also:
Abbreviations Cohesion and Coherence Collocations Comparative Conditionals Frequent Errors Future Continuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Continuous Future Simple Homonyms Interjections Journaling Learn English Linking Words Logical Flow Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Past Simple Plural Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Present Simple Pronunciation Question Tags Quiz Quotes Simple Future Simple Past Simple Present Spelling Superlative Transition Words
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