Assure – Ensure – Insure
In this lesson, you will learn how to differentiate and use them properly. Assure, ensure and insure are all verbs that can mean to make something certain or to take steps to prevent something from happening: to make sure of something. However, they are used in slightly different ways.
In order to understand the complete meaning of these words, please read the explanations and examples below:
Assure means: to remove doubt about something, to guarantee something, to give one’s assurance, declare, to reassure, convince, satisfy, guarantee, persuade, promise, prove, attest to, affirm to, certify, pledge, ensure, guarantee.
It also means: To tell someone something positively.
We can also use it to tell someone confidently that something is true or will happen, often to calm their fears or doubts
As an illustration, here are some examples with Assure:
- We can assure all our customers that we have the safest e-commerce of all.
- We must assure her our loyal support and understanding.
- She assured herself that the baby was asleep.
- I can assure you that I will be on time.
- He assured himself that the alarm was set.
- The company assured us that the product was safe to use
- The victory was now assured.
- I can assure you that the animals are well cared for.
- He was assured a job in the summer.
- I assure you that everything will be okay.
Ensure means: to make sure, to make certain, secure, guarantee, certify, check, verify, and safeguard. It also means to make it secure or safe. We use it to make certain that something happens or is done properly.
Here are some examples with Ensure:
- His precautions ensured his safety.
- We took all necessary steps to ensure their safety.
- This victory will ensure our happiness.
- His reputation was enough to ensure that he was always welcome.
- To ensure our progress in this project we need funds urgently.
- The Emergency Room (ER) ensures that people are seen quickly.
- We must ensure that everyone gets paid on time with our modern payment system.
- We need to ensure that the project is completed on time.
Insure means: to protect, cover, warrant, guarantee, or indemnify.
To arrange compensation in the event of damage or loss, secure something or someone against a possible contingency.
Moreover, it means to guarantee against loss or harm and issue or procure an insurance policy on or for. Also, to protect against loss or damage by taking out an insurance policy.
Here are some examples with Insure:
- That Insurance Company insures homeowners and businesses.
- They company had failed to insure the factory against fire.
- Her house was heavily insured against fire and flood.
- Have you insured the contents of your home before traveling abroad?
- Many companies will not insure young drivers.
- We insured all our stuff before we move.
Therefore, in general, “assure” is used to calm or reassure someone, “ensure” is used to make something certain or to take steps to prevent something from happening, and “insure” is used to protect against loss or damage through insurance.
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