English Grammar: Master the Structure of the Language
English grammar consists of 8 parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Each part plays a key role in forming sentences, conveying meaning, and expressing ideas. Understanding grammar helps you build sentences that are clear and meaningful.
The study of English grammar focuses on sentence structure, parts of speech, and punctuation. It’s essential for effective communication and is closely related to linguistics, the broader study of language structure.
Past Perfect Continuous - Exercises - Practice exercises. Improve your oral and written skills with exercises and ...
Practice Past Perfect Continuous - Exercises 2 with a multiple-choice quiz and real-time feedback. Improve your ...
Practice Past Perfect Continuous - Exercises 2 with a multiple-choice quiz and real-time feedback. Improve your ...
Extremely popular in spoken English, phrasal verbs can be confusing sometimes due to their definitions that are ...
Phrasal Verbs - Exercises 1 - Quiz - Check your progress in REAL TIME. These exercises can help you evaluate your ...
Phrasal Verbs - Exercises 2 - Quiz - Check your progress in REAL TIME. These exercises can help you evaluate your ...
The Present Continuous is a verb tense we use to express that an ongoing action is happening now. It gives a sense ...
Present Continuous - Exercises - Practice exercises with Present Continuous. Improve your oral and written skills ...
Verb Tenses - Present Continuous - Exercises 2 - Practice this quiz with Present Continuous. Improve your English ...
Verb Tenses - Present Continuous - Exercises 3 - Practice this quiz with Present Continuous. Improve your English ...
The Present Perfect is a verb tense we use to express that an action or something has happened in the past and it ...
Present Perfect - Exercises - Practice exercises with Present Perfect. Improve your oral and written skills with ...
Present Perfect - Exercises 2 - Practice exercises with Present Perfect. Improve your oral and written skills with ...
Present Perfect - Exercises 3 - Practice exercises with Present Perfect. Improve your oral and written skills with ...
The Present Perfect Continuous is a verb tense we use to express that an action started in the past and has ...
Present Perfect Continuous - Exercises - Practice exercises with Present Perfect Continuous. Improve your oral and ...
Present Perfect Continuous - Exercises 2 - Practice exercises with Present Perfect Continuous. Improve your ...
Present Perfect Continuous - Exercises 3 - Practice exercises with Present Perfect Continuous. Improve your ...
Pronouns, easy-to-learn table. I, me, my, mine, myself/you, your, yours, yourself .... Study this table and learn ...
Pronouns - Exercises - Quiz. Test your English skills by completing all questions. Score in Real-Time!
Pronouns - Exercises 2 - Quiz. Complete the sentences below with the correct pronoun. Score in Real-Time!
Pronouns - Exercises 3 - Quiz. Complete the sentences below with the correct pronoun. Score in Real Time!
Question Tags Rules, Forms, Exceptions, and Examples. Learn all about Question Tags and how to use them correctly.
Question Tags - Exercises 1 - Practice exercises with Question Tags - Quiz 1. Exercises corrected in real-time.
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