Common Mistakes 9
Here you will find common mistakes that the average English student commonly makes.
The mistake is highlighted in red, and the correct form is highlighted in green.
Below each mistake, you will find a link where you can go and study the topic related to that mistake.
You need to bye a house!
You need to buy a house!
Study: Parts of Speech
Exercises: Exercises and Quizzes
He don’t have a computer!
He doesn’t have a computer!
Study: Simple Present
Exercises: Simple Present Exercises 1
He can’t loose this fight!
He can’t lose this fight!
Study: Parts of Speech
Exercises: Exercises and Quizzes
You have to do a reservation!
You have to make a reservation!
Study: DO vs MAKE
Exercises: DO vs MAKE Exercises 1
You backpack is in the floor!
You backpack is on the floor!
Study: IN – ON – AT
Exercises: IN – ON – AT – Exercises 1
I think its going to rain tonight!
I think it’s going to rain tonight!
Study: English Grammar
Exercises: Exercises and Quizzes
His watch is most expensive than mine.
His watch is more expensive than mine.
Study: Parts of Speech
Exercises: Exercises and Quizzes
Study Also:
Abbreviations Cohesion and Coherence Collocations Comparative Conditionals Frequent Errors Future Continuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Continuous Future Simple Homonyms Interjections Journaling Learn English Linking Words Logical Flow Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Past Simple Plural Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Present Simple Pronunciation Question Tags Quiz Quotes Simple Future Simple Past Simple Present Spelling Superlative Transition Words
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