When and how to use DO and MAKE correctly.
Here you will study the differences between DO vs MAKE:
Usually, we use do in these situations:
- When we are talking about jobs, work, or tasks. Not producing any physical object. = Do a job.
- When we are referring to activities in general without being specific. = Do something.
Replacing a verb when the meaning is obvious or very clear = Do the dishes.
do a burp | do housework |
do a course | do laundry |
do a crossword | do nothing |
do a dance | do research |
do a drawing | do right [the right thing] |
do a fart | do something |
do a favor | do shopping |
do a job | do the cleaning |
do a painting | do the dishes |
do a project | do the gardening |
do a service | do the housework |
do an assignment | do the ironing |
do anything | do the rest |
do badly | do the shopping |
do business | do the washing |
do chores | do well |
do damage | do work |
do everything | do wrong [the wrong thing] |
do exercises | do your best |
do good | do your hair |
do harm | do your nails |
do homework | do your worst |
Usually, we use “MAKE” in these situations:
- When we are producing, constructing, creating, or building something new.
- When we are referring to preparing food, drinks, and meals of any kind.
- To show a product’s origin or the materials used to MAKE something.
- For plans and decisions.
make an amend | make a sound |
make an arrangement | make a speech |
make a bet | make a statement |
make a cake | make a suggestion |
make a call | make advances |
make a change | make alterations |
make a choice | make an appointment |
make a comment | make an announcement |
make a commitment | make an attempt |
make a complaint | make an effort |
make a confession | make an error |
make a connection | make an escape |
make a cup of coffee / tea | make an exception |
make a date | make an excuse |
make a decision | make an impression |
make a demand | make an observation |
make a difference | make an offer |
make a discovery | make amends |
make an effort | make arrangements |
make an excuse | make believe [make believe = to pretend] |
make a face | make breakfast |
make a fool of yourself | make certain |
make a fortune | make clear |
More examples with MAKE
make a friend | make dinner |
make a fuss | make faces |
make a joke | make famous |
make a journey | make fun of someone |
make a line | make love |
make a list | make lunch |
make a living | make inquiries |
make a loss | make peace |
make a mess | make possible |
make a mistake | make progress |
make a noise | make money |
make a pass at someone | make room |
make a payment | make sales |
make a phone call | make sense |
make a plan | make someone rich |
make a point | make someone smile |
make a prediction | make sure |
make a profit | make trouble |
make a promise | make war |
make a remark | make your bed |
make a reservation | make your mind up |
make a sandwich | make your way |
make a scene | make believe |
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