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Homonyms starting with A and B

Homonyms starting with a and b
Homonyms starting with a and b

List of Homonyms starting with the letter A.

Homonyms: Study the following examples:

AThe first letter of the modern English alphabet. An article, used before nouns to denote a single but unspecified person or thing.
EhUsed to ask a question or in seeking repetition or confirmation.
ActsGet things done. The process of doing something.
AxVariant of AXE, a tool with a blade on a handle, used for chopping.
AdAn advertisement. Short for advertisement.
AdsMore than one advertisement.
AddsTo perform addition.
AdzeTool similar to an axe, with a curbed blade.
AdeA sweetened beverage of diluted fruit juice.
AidTo assist, to provide assistance or support.
AideAn assistant or helper.
AerieThe nest of an eagle.
AiryBreezy or drafty.
AffectTo have influence or to change.
EffectA result. A state brought about by a cause.
AilTo feel sick or ill or have pain.
AleKind of beer.
AisleA passageway separating rows of seats.
I’llThe contraction of “I will”
IsleA small island.
AwlA pointed tool to make holes.
AllowedSomething that is permitted.
AloudIn a loud tone.
AltarElevated part for religious ceremonies.
AlterTo change something.
AntAn insect.
AuntThe sister of one’s father or mother.
AnteA bet before receiving new cards.
AuntieInformal or familiar word for aunt.
ArcSomething curved in shape
ArkShip or vessel.
AscentTo climb or upward movement.
AssentTo agree.
AtePast tense of eat.
EightNumber 8.
OughtTo indicate obligation.
AuralRelated to our ears.
AwayDistant in space or time.
AweighUsed of an anchor.
AwedWondering and respectful.
OddUnusual or peculiar. Not divisible by two.
AwefulAn overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration
AwfulUnpleasant or extremely bad.
OffalWaste material such as meat or internal organs of an animal.
EyeAn organ of vision
IOneself. To refer to oneself.

Study Also:

List of Homonyms starting with the letter B

BailSum of money, exchanged for the release of an arrested person.
BaleA large bundle of hay.
BaileeA person with whom property is left for safekeeping.
BaileyA wall surrounding a castle.
BaitFood or other lure placed on a hook or in a trap and used in the taking of fish, birds, or other animals.
BateAn angry mood.
BaizeA coarse, typically green woolen material resembling felt, used for covering billiard and card tables.
BaysA broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inwards.
BaldWithout hair.
BalledSqueeze or form something into a rounded shape.
BawledPast tense of bawl.
BallA solid or hollow sphere.
BawlShout or call out noisily and unrestrainedly.
BandA group of people.
BareNot clothed or covered.
BearTo support | To give birth. | A large wild animal.
BasalForming or belonging to a bottom layer or base.
BasilAn aromatic herb.
BaseThe lowest part or edge of something.
BassLowest in pitch.
BasesPlural o basis.
BasisThe underlying support or foundation for an idea, an argument or a process.
BassesPlural of bass.
BatNocturnal mammal capable of sustained flight.
BattA flat felted pad.
BeanAn edible seed, typically kidney-shaped.
BeenPast tense of be.
BeatTo hit.
BeetAn edible red root.
BeenPast participle of be.
BinA receptacle for storing a specified substance.
BeerAn alcoholic drink made from yeast-fermented malt flavored with hops.
BierA movable frame for a coffin.
BightA curve.
BiteTo use the teeth to cut into something.
ByteA group of 8 binary bits.
BlewPast tense of blow.
BlueA color.
BoardA long and thin piece of wood, like a plank.
BoredNot interested, feeling weary.
BoldBrave, confident and courageous.
BowledRoll a ball along the ground.
BolderMore confident and courageous.
BoulderA large rock.
BoleThe trunk of a tree.
BollA rounded see.
BowlA rounded dish.
BoughThe main branch of a tree.
BeauA boyfriend or male admirer.
BowA knot tied with two loops and two loose ends
Brakestopping device
Breakto split apart
Breachto break through
Breechthe back part
BreadA food made of flour, water and yeast.
BredThe past tense of breed.
BusA large motor vehicle to carry people.
BussA kiss. (informal)
BussedPast tense of buss.
Busthead and shoulders sculpture
BuyTo purchase.
ByAs to go past.
ByeGood bye.

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