List of Homonyms starting with the letter C.
Homonyms: Study the following examples:
Word | Meaning |
Cache | Amount of goods or values. Hidden store of provisions, weapons, or treasure. |
Cash | Currency as money in the form of bills or coins. |
Cached | Hidden away. |
Cashed | Converted to legal tender. |
Calendar | Chart of days. |
Calender | Machine for pressing paper. |
Caller | One who calls. |
Collar | A band around the neck. |
Can’t | Contraction of ‘can not’. |
Cant | Hypocritical talk, a slope or slant. |
Cannon | Big gun. |
Canon | A general law or principle. |
Canvas | Rough cloth. |
Canvass | To solicit votes or opinions. |
Capital | Most important. |
Capitol | A building where a legislative body meets. |
Carat | Unit of weight for precious stones, equal to 200 milligrams. |
Caret | Proofreader’s insertion mark. |
Carrot | Edible orange root. |
Karat | One 24th part of otherwise pure gold. |
Cast | To throw. |
Caste | A social class. |
Cause | Generative force. |
Caws | Sounds of crows. |
Cedar | An evergreen tree. |
Seeder | One who plants seeds. |
Cede | To give up. |
Seed | Part of a plant from which a new one grows. |
Ceding | Giving up. |
Seeding | Planting seeds. |
Ceiling | Top of the room. |
Sealing | Closing a package or envelope. |
Cell | A small room. |
Sell | To exchange for money. |
Cellar | Under a house. |
Seller | One who sells. |
Censer | Incense holder. |
Censor | A person who suppresses objectionable material. |
Sensor | A device that detects changes. |
Census | Numbering of a population. |
Senses | Faculties of perception. |
Cent | One hundredth of a dollar. |
Scent | An aroma. |
Sent | Dispatched. |
Cents | Hundredths of a dollar. |
Scents | Smells. |
Sense | Perception or understanding. |
Cereal | Grains used for food. |
Serial | Numbers in sequence. |
Ceres | Roman Goddess of agriculture. |
Series | A sequence of things. |
Cession | Giving up of rights. |
Session | A meeting or sitting. |
Chalk | A soft, white limestone. |
Chock | A wedge used to prevent movement. |
Chance | Luck or possibility. |
Chants | Repeated rhythmic phrases. |
Chard | A leafy green vegetable. |
Charred | Burnt. |
Chased | Ran after. |
Chaste | Pure or virginal. |
Check | A mark for verification. |
Czech | A person from the Czech Republic. |
Chews | Masticating. |
Choose | To select. |
Chile | A South American country. |
Chili | A spicy pepper. |
Chilly | Uncomfortably cold. |
Choler | Anger or bile. |
Collar | Around your neck. |
Choral | Pertaining to a choir. |
Coral | Marine organisms’ skeletons. |
Chorale | A choir or choral group. |
Corral | A pen for livestock. |
Chord | A combination of musical notes. |
Cord | A long, thin flexible string. |
Cored | Having had the central part removed. |
Chute | An inclined channel. |
Shoot | To project or fire something. |
Cite | To refer to. |
Sight | Vision. |
Site | A location. |
Cited | Referenced. |
Sighted | Seen or spotted. |
Sited | Placed in position. |
Cites | Refers to. |
Sights | Things worth seeing. |
Sites | Locations. |
Clack | A rattling sound. |
Claque | A group hired to applaud. |
Claus | A reference to Santa Claus. |
Clause | A part of a sentence. |
Claws | Sharp animal nails. |
Clew | A lower corner of a sail. |
Clue | A hint or piece of information. |
Click | A short, sharp sound. |
Clique | An exclusive group. |
Climb | To ascend. |
Clime | Climate or region. |
Close | To shut. |
Clothes | Garments. |
Coal | A black mineral used for fuel. |
Cole | Plants in the crucifer family. |
Coaled | Supplied with coal. |
Cold | Having a low temperature. |
Coarse | Rough or crude. |
Course | A path or direction. |
Coat | An outer garment. |
Cote | A small shelter for animals. |
Coax | To persuade gently. |
Cokes | More than one Coca-Cola. |
Cocks | Male birds. |
Cox | A coxswain or a type of apple. |
Coddling | Treating tenderly. |
Codling | A small, unripe apple. |
Coffer | A strongbox or a decorative ceiling panel. |
Cougher | One who coughs. |
Complacence | Self-satisfaction. |
Complaisance | Willingness to please. |
Complacent | Self-satisfied. |
Complaisant | Willing to please. |
Complement | Something that completes or enhances. |
Compliment | A polite expression of praise or admiration. |
Copes | Deals with adversity. |
Copse | A small group of trees. |
Copped | Stolen. |
Copt | An Egyptian Christian. |
Cosign | To sign a document jointly. |
Cosine | A trigonometric function. |
Council | A group of people convened for advice or decision-making. |
Counsel | Advice or legal advisor. |
Craft | A skill or trade. |
Kraft | A type of strong paper. |
Creak | A squeaking sound. |
Creek | A small stream. |
Crewed | Manned by a crew. |
Crude | Unrefined or coarse. |
Crewel | Embroidery yarn. |
Cruel | Causing pain or suffering. |
Crews | Multiple groups of people working together. |
Cruise | A journey on a ship. |
Cue | A signal for action. |
Kew | Location of famous gardens in London. |
Queue | A line of people or vehicles waiting. |
Currant | A small dried fruit. |
Current | Happening now. |
Study Also:
List of Homonyms starting with the letter D
Word | Meaning |
Dam | Water barrier. |
Damn | Curse word. |
Dammed | Blocked flow. |
Damned | Condemned or cursed. |
Darn | Repair by sewing. |
Darne | Salmon or fish steak. |
Days | Plural of day. |
Daze | Confused state. |
Dear | Loved or valued. |
Deer | Wild animal. |
Dew | Tiny water droplets. |
Do | Perform an action. |
Due | Payable amount. |
Die – Dies | Cease to live. |
Dye – Dyes | Apply color. |
Died | Passed away. |
Dyed | Color applied. |
Dine | Have a meal. |
Dyne | Unit of force. |
Dire | Desperate situation. |
Dyer | Person who dyes. |
Disc | Music record. |
Disk | Flat circular object. |
Discreet | Confidential or private. |
Discrete | Separate and distinct. |
Discussed | Talked about. |
Disgust | Repulsive or sickening. |
Doe | Female deer. |
Dough | Uncooked bread. |
Doc | Medical doctor. |
Dock | Boat storage. |
Does | Female deer. |
Doughs | Uncooked bread. |
Doze | Nap briefly. |
Done | Finished or completed. |
Dun | Demand payment. |
Dos | Opposite of don’ts. |
Dues | Membership fees. |
Draft | Preliminary version. |
Draught | Wind gust or ship depth. |
Dual | Two things. |
Duel | Honor fight. |
Study Also:
Abbreviations Cohesion and Coherence Collocations Comparative Conditionals Frequent Errors Future Continuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Continuous Future Simple Homonyms Interjections Journaling Learn English Linking Words Logical Flow Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Past Simple Plural Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Present Simple Pronunciation Question Tags Quiz Quotes Simple Future Simple Past Simple Present Spelling Superlative Transition Words
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