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Homonyms starting with C and D

Homonyms starting with C - D
Homonyms starting with C – D

List of Homonyms starting with the letter C.

Homonyms: Study the following examples:

CacheAmount of goods or values. Hidden store of provisions, weapons, or treasure.
CashCurrency as money in the form of bills or coins.
CachedHidden away.
CashedConverted to legal tender.
CalendarChart of days.
CalenderMachine for pressing paper.
CallerOne who calls.
CollarA band around the neck.
Can’tContraction of ‘can not’.
CantHypocritical talk, a slope or slant.
CannonBig gun.
CanonA general law or principle.
CanvasRough cloth.
CanvassTo solicit votes or opinions.
CapitalMost important.
CapitolA building where a legislative body meets.
CaratUnit of weight for precious stones, equal to 200 milligrams.
CaretProofreader’s insertion mark.
CarrotEdible orange root.
KaratOne 24th part of otherwise pure gold.
CastTo throw.
CasteA social class.
CauseGenerative force.
CawsSounds of crows.
CedarAn evergreen tree.
SeederOne who plants seeds.
CedeTo give up.
SeedPart of a plant from which a new one grows.
CedingGiving up.
SeedingPlanting seeds.
CeilingTop of the room.
SealingClosing a package or envelope.
CellA small room.
SellTo exchange for money.
CellarUnder a house.
SellerOne who sells.
CenserIncense holder.
CensorA person who suppresses objectionable material.
SensorA device that detects changes.
CensusNumbering of a population.
SensesFaculties of perception.
CentOne hundredth of a dollar.
ScentAn aroma.
CentsHundredths of a dollar.
SensePerception or understanding.
CerealGrains used for food.
SerialNumbers in sequence.
CeresRoman Goddess of agriculture.
SeriesA sequence of things.
CessionGiving up of rights.
SessionA meeting or sitting.
ChalkA soft, white limestone.
ChockA wedge used to prevent movement.
ChanceLuck or possibility.
ChantsRepeated rhythmic phrases.
ChardA leafy green vegetable.
ChasedRan after.
ChastePure or virginal.
CheckA mark for verification.
CzechA person from the Czech Republic.
ChooseTo select.
ChileA South American country.
ChiliA spicy pepper.
ChillyUncomfortably cold.
CholerAnger or bile.
CollarAround your neck.
ChoralPertaining to a choir.
CoralMarine organisms’ skeletons.
ChoraleA choir or choral group.
CorralA pen for livestock.
ChordA combination of musical notes.
CordA long, thin flexible string.
CoredHaving had the central part removed.
ChuteAn inclined channel.
ShootTo project or fire something.
CiteTo refer to.
SiteA location.
SightedSeen or spotted.
SitedPlaced in position.
CitesRefers to.
SightsThings worth seeing.
ClackA rattling sound.
ClaqueA group hired to applaud.
ClausA reference to Santa Claus.
ClauseA part of a sentence.
ClawsSharp animal nails.
ClewA lower corner of a sail.
ClueA hint or piece of information.
ClickA short, sharp sound.
CliqueAn exclusive group.
ClimbTo ascend.
ClimeClimate or region.
CloseTo shut.
CoalA black mineral used for fuel.
ColePlants in the crucifer family.
CoaledSupplied with coal.
ColdHaving a low temperature.
CoarseRough or crude.
CourseA path or direction.
CoatAn outer garment.
CoteA small shelter for animals.
CoaxTo persuade gently.
CokesMore than one Coca-Cola.
CocksMale birds.
CoxA coxswain or a type of apple.
CoddlingTreating tenderly.
CodlingA small, unripe apple.
CofferA strongbox or a decorative ceiling panel.
CougherOne who coughs.
ComplaisanceWillingness to please.
ComplaisantWilling to please.
ComplementSomething that completes or enhances.
ComplimentA polite expression of praise or admiration.
CopesDeals with adversity.
CopseA small group of trees.
CoptAn Egyptian Christian.
CosignTo sign a document jointly.
CosineA trigonometric function.
CouncilA group of people convened for advice or decision-making.
CounselAdvice or legal advisor.
CraftA skill or trade.
KraftA type of strong paper.
CreakA squeaking sound.
CreekA small stream.
CrewedManned by a crew.
CrudeUnrefined or coarse.
CrewelEmbroidery yarn.
CruelCausing pain or suffering.
CrewsMultiple groups of people working together.
CruiseA journey on a ship.
CueA signal for action.
KewLocation of famous gardens in London.
QueueA line of people or vehicles waiting.
CurrantA small dried fruit.
CurrentHappening now.
Homonyms C

Study Also:

List of Homonyms starting with the letter D

DamWater barrier.
DamnCurse word.
DammedBlocked flow.
DamnedCondemned or cursed.
DarnRepair by sewing.
DarneSalmon or fish steak.
DaysPlural of day.
DazeConfused state.
DearLoved or valued.
DeerWild animal.
DewTiny water droplets.
DoPerform an action.
DuePayable amount.
Die – DiesCease to live.
Dye – DyesApply color.
DiedPassed away.
DyedColor applied.
DineHave a meal.
DyneUnit of force.
DireDesperate situation.
DyerPerson who dyes.
DiscMusic record.
DiskFlat circular object.
DiscreetConfidential or private.
DiscreteSeparate and distinct.
DiscussedTalked about.
DisgustRepulsive or sickening.
DoeFemale deer.
DoughUncooked bread.
DocMedical doctor.
DockBoat storage.
DoesFemale deer.
DoughsUncooked bread.
DozeNap briefly.
DoneFinished or completed.
DunDemand payment.
DosOpposite of don’ts.
DuesMembership fees.
DraftPreliminary version.
DraughtWind gust or ship depth.
DualTwo things.
DuelHonor fight.
Homonyms D

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Homonyms starting with C - D
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