B2 (Upper-Intermediate)
B2: Upper-Intermediate Level in English
At the B2 level, learners can engage in fluent conversations with native speakers on a wide range of topics. They can understand complex texts, including technical discussions in their field of expertise. B2 learners can also write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects and give detailed explanations or arguments on familiar issues.
Reaching the B2 level enables you to use English effectively in both personal and professional settings.

12 Best Skills to Develop for Fast Career Growth. Learn essential skills like communication, leadership, and AI to ...

Discover 20 Effective Salary Negotiation Strategies to help you secure fair compensation and build a strong ...

Learn Adjective Order in English! A Guide to using OSASCOMP correctly. Learn with examples for clear, perfect and ...

Advantages of knowing English in the Corporate World. Why knowing English makes a huge difference in the workplace.

What is the difference between: Affect and Effect? They have different meanings but are frequently confused.

Affect vs Effect - Exercises 1 - Practice exercises with affect and effect in English. Affect or Effect - Quiz 1. ...

Affect vs Effect - Exercises 2 - Practice exercises with affect and effect in English. Affect or Effect - Quiz 2. ...

Assure, ensure and insure are commonly confused. Simply said, they all mean: to make sure or certain of something. ...

Conditionals are sentences that express hypothetical situations or describe an outcome based on a certain condition.

Learn when to use Do or Make. Understand the differences between DO and MAKE. Study and practice exercises using ...

Do vs Make - Exercises 1 - Quiz - Learn when to use Do or Make. Understand the differences and when to use Do and Make.

Do vs Make - Exercises 2 - Quiz - Learn when to use Do or Make. Understand the differences and when to use Do and Make.

Do vs Make - Exercises 3 - Quiz - Learn when to use Do or Make. Understand the differences and when to use Do and Make.

Do you really want to speak English? We can learn through many paths. There are several approaches and techniques ...

Take our 50-question English Proficiency Test to assess your language skills and receive instant results. After ...

Verb Tenses - Future Continuous - Exercises - Practice exercises with Future Continuous. Improve your oral and ...

We use Future Perfect when you want to speak about an event that will be completed before a particular time in the ...

Verb Tenses - Future Perfect - Exercises - Practice exercises with Future Perfect. Improve your oral and written ...

We use Future Perfect Continuous when you want to speak about an event that will happen and continue in a ...

Verb Tenses - Future Perfect Continuous - Exercises - Improve your oral and written skills with exercises and ...

A huge list of Homonyms starting with the letters A and B. Study the difference between Ascent and Assent or Bus ...

A huge list of Homonyms starting with the letters C and D. Study the difference between Cache and Cash or Caller ...

Idioms are phrases or expressions with a figurative meaning rather than a literal meaning. Examples include "it's ...

If vs WhetherThe use of If vs Whether.If or Whether? They are both both conjunctions and used in ...
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