Simple Future
Sometimes called Future Simple, the Simple Future is a Verb Tense associated with the Future Tense in English.
We use Simple Future when you want to speak about an event that will happen in the future. The simple future tense indicates that an action is in the future relative to the speaker.
Quick Example (will)
- You will study English tomorrow.
- You will not study English tomorrow.
- Will you study English tomorrow?
Quick Example (going to)
- You are going to study English tomorrow.
- You are not going to study English tomorrow.
- Are you going to study English tomorrow?
Form (will)
I – you – he – she – it – we – you – they |
will + verb |
Form (going to)
I | he – she – it | you – we – you – they |
am + going to + verb | is + going to + verb | are + going to + verb |
*Verb “to be“: am / is / are
Common Signal Words*
- Tonight
- Tomorrow
- The day after tomorrow
- Next week
- Next month
- in two years
- in 2035
- Probably
*ATTENTION: These signal words are just an indication that the future form can be used.
The Simple Future is a verb tense used to:
- Make a decision at the time of speaking
- Predict an event that’s likely to happen in the future
- Indicate willingness to do something
Going to
- Express a future intention based on a decision made in the past
- Predict an event that is likely to happen in the future
- Predict an event that’s likely to happen based on the present conditions
ATTENTION: Rule #2 is the same for both, you can you either use Will or Going to, they are interchangeable.
1. Make a decision at the time of speaking
- I will take you to the hospital.
- He will call you after lunch.
- She will follow you to the Mall.
2. Predict an event that’s likely to happen in the future
- Don’t worry, you will pass the test.
- You will be accepted to that university.
- He will be the next President.
- The year 2050 will be an interesting year.
3. Indicate willingness to do something
- If I don’t feel better soon, I will go to the doctor.
- I will call you when I arrive.
- I won’t tell your secret to anyone.
1. Express a future intention based on a decision made in the past
- He‘s going to New York.
- She is going to spend her vacation in Orlando.
- They are not going to England.
- Is she going to England?
- I‘m going to be a doctor when I grow up.
2. Predict an event that’s likely to happen in the future
- Don’t worry, you are going to pass the test.
- You are going to be accepted to that university.
- He is going to be the next President.
- The year 2050 is going to be an interesting year.
3. Predict an event that’s likely to happen based on the present conditions
- I don’t feel well, I think I‘m going to faint.
- Susan is going to make a birthday cake.
Study Also:
Simple Future using Work (Regular Verb) (will + verb)
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I will work. | I will not work. | Will I work? |
You will work. | You will not work. | Will you work? |
He will work. | He will not work. | Will he work? |
She will work. | She will not work. | Will she work? |
It will work. | It will not work. | Will it work? |
You will work. | You will not work. | Will you work? |
We will work. | We will not work. | Will we work? |
They will work. | They will not work. | Will they work? |
Simple Future using Work (Regular Verb) (to be + going to + verb)
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I am going to work. | I am not going to work. | Am I going to work? |
You are going to work. | You are not going to work. | Are you going to work? |
He is going to work. | He is not going to work. | Is he going to work? |
She is going to work. | She is not going to work. | Is she going to work? |
It is going to work. | It is not going to work. | Is it going to work? |
You are going to work. | You are not going to work. | Are you going to work? |
We are going to work. | We are not going to work. | Are we going to work? |
They are going to work. | They are going to work. | Are they going to work? |
Simple Future using Go (Irregular Verb) (will + verb)
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I will go. | I will not go. | Will I go? |
You will go. | You will not go. | Will you go? |
He will go. | He will not go. | Will he go? |
She will go. | She will not go. | Will she go? |
It will go. | It will not go. | Will it go? |
You will go. | You will not go. | Will you go? |
We will go. | We will not go. | Will we go? |
They will go. | They will not go. | Will they go? |
Simple Future using Go (Irregular Verb) (to be + going to + verb)
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I am going to go. | I am not going to go. | Am I going to go? |
You are going to go. | You are not going to go. | Are you going to go? |
He is going to go. | He is not going to go. | Is he going to go? |
She is going to go. | She is not going to go. | Is she going to go? |
It is going to go. | It is not going to go. | Is it going to go? |
You are going to go. | You are not going to go. | Are you going to go? |
We are going to go. | We are not going to go. | Are we going to go? |
They are going to go. | They are going to go. | Are they going to go? |
Simple Future using Study (Regular Verb) (will + verb)
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I will study. | I will not study. | Will I study? |
You will study. | You will not study. | Will you study? |
He will study. | He will not study. | Will he study? |
She will study. | She will not study. | Will she study? |
It will study. | It will not study. | Will it study? |
You will study. | You will not study. | Will you study? |
We will study. | We will not study. | Will we study? |
They will study. | They will not study. | Will they study? |
Simple Future using Study (Regular Verb) (to be + going to + verb)
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I am going to study. | I am not going to study. | Am I going to study? |
You are going to study. | You are not going to study. | Are you going to study? |
He is going to study. | He is not going to study. | Is he going to study? |
She is going to study. | She is not going to study. | Is she going to study? |
It is going to study. | It is not going to study. | Is it going to study? |
You are going to study. | You are not going to study. | Are you going to study? |
We are going to study. | We are not going to study. | Are we going to study? |
They are going to study. | They are going to study. | Are they going to study? |
Study Also:
Abbreviations Cohesion and Coherence Collocations Comparative Conditionals Frequent Errors Future Continuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Continuous Future Simple Homonyms Interjections Journaling Learn English Linking Words Logical Flow Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Past Simple Plural Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Present Simple Pronunciation Question Tags Quiz Quotes Simple Future Simple Past Simple Present Spelling Superlative Transition Words
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