What are Transition Words and Linking Words?
Generally speaking Transition Words and Linking Words describe the relationship between two statements, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs.These statements can be dependent or independent.
- Although the sun was shining it was still really cold!
- At this time in our history.
- These statements which, although literally true, are nevertheless misleading.
- I’m so happy I got the job; however, I’ll have to travel more often.
- If she did not heed the warning, she would surely die!
- You have no reason to go there unless you’re particularly interested in writing a book.
- The apartment is temporarily vacant.
- In addition to reading books in English, you should do lots of exercises.
To help you study and use Transition Words and Linking Words we’ve grouped them in 8 categories:
- Example | Emphasis | Support | Demonstration | Illustration
- Addition | Agreement | Understanding | Supplement | Similarity | Connection | Relationship
- Opposition | Disagreement | Contradiction | Resistance | Limitation | Conflict
- Reason | Cause | Condition | Purpose | Grounds | Basis
- Consequence | Outcome | Effect | Result | Repercussion
- Conclusion | Ending | Summary | Restatement | Finish
- Chronology | Time | Moment | Occasion | Sequence | Instant | Stage | Phase | Period | Interval | Date
- Location | Place | Position| Space | Site | Scene
Transition Words and Linking Words
- Tables with words in alphabetical order.
- Please note that many words can belong to more than one category depending of their meaning.
Example | Emphasis | Support | Demonstration | Illustration
These words give examples and support the ideas with the preceding statement or declaration.
another key point | in this case | to clarify |
as | including | to clarify and facilitate |
as an illustration | indeed | to clarify more |
by all means | like | to demonstrate |
by way of illustration | markedly | to emphasize |
certainly | most compelling evidence | to enumerate |
chiefly | must be remembered | to explain |
clearly | namely | to give an example |
especially | notably | to give an instance |
expressively | on the negative side | to give more details |
first thing to remember | on the positive side | to have clarity |
for example | point often overlooked frequently | to illustrate |
for instance | significantly | to point out |
for one thing | specifically | to put it another way |
for this reason | such as | to put it differently |
frequently | surely | to repeat |
important to realize | surprisingly | to show |
in detail | that is to say | to support |
in fact | to assist | truly |
in general | to be clear | with attention |
in other words | to be sure | with this in mind |
in particular | to certainly | with this purpose |
- Here you can study and learn more about IN – ON – AT.
- Here you can study and learn more about TO vs FOR.
Addition | Agreement | Understanding | Supplement | Similarity | Connection | Relationship
These words reinforce ideas, express agreement and understanding with the preceding statement or declaration.
additionally | equally important | likewise |
again | equivalently | moreover |
also | evenly | not only … but also |
and | first, second, third | not to mention |
as | furthermore | of course |
as a matter of fact | identically | similarly |
as well as | in addition | then |
by the same token | in like manner | to |
comparatively | in the first place | to say nothing of |
correspondingly | in the light of | together with |
coupled with | in the same way | too |
equally | like | uniquely |
Opposition | Disagreement | Contradiction | Resistance | Limitation | Conflict
These words reinforce the opposition or disagreement with the preceding statement or declaration.
above all | even so | nonetheless |
after all | even supposing | notwithstanding |
albeit | even though | notwithstanding that |
although | for all that | on the contrary |
although this may be true | having said that | on the other hand |
anyhow | howbeit | or |
anyway | however | or else |
apart from that | if not | otherwise |
as much as | in any other way | rather |
at the same time | in contrast | regardless |
be that as it may | in other respects | regardless of how |
besides | in other ways | still |
but | in reality | still and all |
conversely | in spite of | then again |
despite | in spite of the fact that | though |
despite the fact that | in whatever way | unlike |
despite the possibility that | instead | whereas |
different from | natheless | while |
differently | nevertheless | withal |
even if | no matter how | yet |
Reason | Cause | Condition | Purpose | Grounds | Basis
These words reinforce the reason or cause of the preceding statement or declaration.
as | if and only if | owing to |
at whatever time | if and when | provided that |
because | if anything | seeing |
because of | if only | since |
being that | if so | so as to |
considering that | in case | so long as |
due to | in order to | so that |
even if | in the event that | then |
every time that | in the hope that | to the end that |
except if | in view of | to the extent that |
for fear that | inasmuch as | unless |
for the purpose of | insofar as | when |
for the reason that | lest | whenever |
given that | on the condition | while |
granted that | on whatever occasion | with this in mind |
if | only | with this intention |
Consequence | Outcome | Effect | Result | Repercussion
These words reinforce the consequence or outcome of the preceding statement or declaration.
accordingly | for | so |
as a consequence | for that reason | suitably |
as a result | for this reason | that being so |
because the | forthwith | that being the case |
consequently | hence | then |
consistently | henceforth | therefore |
correctly | in effect | thereupon |
correspondingly | in that case | thus |
duly | on that account | under those circumstances |
fitly | properly | whence |
Study Also:
Conclusion | Ending | Summary | Restatement | Finish
absolutely | for the most part | overall |
after all | generally speaking | palpably |
all in all | given these points | patently |
all things considered | in a word | plainly |
altogether | in any event | positively |
as can be seen | in brief | sure |
as has been noted | in conclusion | surely |
as shown above | in either case | there are no two ways about it |
assuredly | in essence | there is no denying it |
beyond any doubt | in fact | to sum up |
beyond any question | in short | to summarize |
beyond doubt | in summary | transparently |
beyond question | in the final analysis | ultimately |
by a mile | in the long run | unavoidably |
by and large | incontestably | undeniably |
categorically | incontrovertibly | undoubtedly |
certainly | indubitably | unequivocally |
clearly | inevitably | unmistakably |
decidedly | irrefutably | unquestionably |
definitely | needless to say | usually |
doubtless | obviously | without any doubt |
easily | on balance | without doubt |
far and away | on the whole | without fail |
for sure | ordinarily | without question |
Chronology | Time | Moment | Occasion | Sequence | Instant | Stage | Phase | Period | Interval | Date
about | for the present | now that |
after | for the time being | nowadays |
all of a sudden | formerly | occasionally |
as long as | forthwith | on the spot |
as quickly as possible | from time to time | once |
as soon as | further | presently |
as soon as possible | hence | prior to |
at once | henceforth | quickly |
at present | here and now | right now |
at the minute | immediately | shortly |
at the moment | in a moment | simultaneously |
at the present moment | in due time | since |
at the present time | in the first place | sooner or later |
at the same time | in the interim | straight away |
at this instant | in the interval | suddenly |
at this moment in time | in the intervening period | temporarily |
at this time | in the meantime | the while |
before | in the meanwhile | then |
by the time | in time | there and then |
concurrently | instantly | till |
currently | just now | to begin with |
during | last | until |
eventually | later | until now |
finally | meantime | up to the present time |
first, second, third… | meanwhile | when |
for now | next | whenever |
for the moment | now | without delay |
Location | Place | Position| Space | Site | Scene
above | from | not subject to |
above all | further | on |
above-stated | further down than | on this side |
across | further on | on top of |
adjacent to | here | opposite to |
alongside | here and there | over |
amid | higher than | over and above |
among | in a later place | overlooking |
antecedent | in excess of | precedent |
around | in front of | preceding |
at the bottom | in preference to | previous |
at the end | in the background | previously |
at the later point | in the center of | rather than |
atop | in the distance | right |
before | in the foreground | smaller than |
behind | in the middle | superior to |
below | inferior to | surpassing |
beneath | left | there |
beside | less than | to the left |
between | lower than | to the right |
beyond | more than | under |
down | near | underneath |
earlier | nearby | up |
exempt from | next | upon |
following | not as much as | where |
former | not so much as | wherever |
Study Also:
Abbreviations Cohesion and Coherence Collocations Comparative Conditionals Frequent Errors Future Continuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Continuous Future Simple Homonyms Interjections Journaling Learn English Linking Words Logical Flow Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Past Simple Plural Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Present Simple Pronunciation Question Tags Quiz Quotes Simple Future Simple Past Simple Present Spelling Superlative Transition Words
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