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Transition Words and Linking Words

Transition Words and Linking Words | English Super Site
Transition Words and Linking Words | English Super Site

What are Transition Words and Linking Words?

Generally speaking Transition Words and Linking Words describe the relationship between two statements, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs.These statements can be dependent or independent.


  • Although the sun was shining it was still really cold!
  • At this time in our history.
  • These statements which, although literally true, are nevertheless misleading.
  • I’m so happy I got the job; however, I’ll have to travel more often.
  • If she did not heed the warning, she would surely die!
  • You have no reason to go there unless you’re particularly interested in writing a book.
  • The apartment is temporarily vacant.
  • In addition to reading books in English, you should do lots of exercises.

To help you study and use Transition Words and Linking Words we’ve grouped them in 8 categories:

  1. Example | Emphasis | Support | Demonstration | Illustration
  2. Addition | Agreement | Understanding | Supplement | Similarity | Connection | Relationship
  3. Opposition | Disagreement | Contradiction | Resistance | Limitation | Conflict
  4. Reason | Cause | Condition | Purpose | Grounds | Basis
  5. Consequence | Outcome | Effect | Result | Repercussion
  6. Conclusion | Ending | Summary | Restatement | Finish
  7. Chronology | Time | Moment | Occasion | Sequence | Instant | Stage | Phase | Period | Interval | Date
  8. Location | Place | Position| Space | Site | Scene

Transition Words and Linking Words

  • Tables with words in alphabetical order.
  • Please note that many words can belong to more than one category depending of their meaning.

Example | Emphasis | Support | Demonstration | Illustration

These words give examples and support the ideas with the preceding statement or declaration. 

another key pointin this caseto clarify
asincludingto clarify and facilitate
as an illustrationindeedto clarify more
by all meansliketo demonstrate
by way of illustrationmarkedlyto emphasize
certainlymost compelling evidenceto enumerate
chieflymust be rememberedto explain
clearlynamelyto give an example
especiallynotablyto give an instance
expressivelyon the negative sideto give more details
first thing to rememberon the positive sideto have clarity
for examplepoint often overlooked frequentlyto illustrate
for instancesignificantlyto point out
for one thingspecificallyto put it another way
for this reasonsuch asto put it differently
frequentlysurelyto repeat
important to realizesurprisinglyto show
in detailthat is to sayto support
in factto assisttruly
in generalto be clearwith attention 
in other wordsto be surewith this in mind
in particularto certainly with this purpose

Addition | Agreement | Understanding | Supplement | Similarity | Connection | Relationship 

These words reinforce ideas, express agreement and understanding with the preceding statement or declaration. 

additionallyequally importantlikewise
alsoevenlynot only … but also
andfirst, second, thirdnot to mention
asfurthermoreof course
as a matter of factidenticallysimilarly
as well asin additionthen
by the same tokenin like mannerto
comparativelyin the first placeto say nothing of
correspondinglyin the light oftogether with
coupled within the same waytoo

Opposition | Disagreement | Contradiction | Resistance | Limitation | Conflict

These words reinforce the opposition or disagreement with the preceding statement or declaration. 

above alleven sononetheless
after alleven supposingnotwithstanding
albeiteven thoughnotwithstanding that
althoughfor all thaton the contrary
although this may be truehaving said thaton the other hand
anywayhoweveror else
apart from thatif nototherwise
as much asin any other wayrather
at the same timein contrastregardless
be that as it mayin other respectsregardless of how
besidesin other waysstill
butin realitystill and all
converselyin spite ofthen again
despitein spite of the fact thatthough
despite the fact thatin whatever wayunlike
despite the possibility thatinsteadwhereas
different fromnathelesswhile
even ifno matter howyet

Reason | Cause | Condition | Purpose | Grounds | Basis

These words reinforce the reason or cause of the preceding statement or declaration. 

asif and only ifowing to
at whatever timeif and whenprovided that
becauseif anythingseeing
because ofif onlysince
being thatif soso as to
considering thatin caseso long as
due toin order toso that
even ifin the event thatthen
every time thatin the hope thatto the end that
except ifin view ofto the extent that
for fear thatinasmuch asunless
for the purpose ofinsofar aswhen
for the reason thatlestwhenever
given thaton the conditionwhile
granted thaton whatever occasionwith this in mind
ifonlywith this intention

Consequence | Outcome | Effect | Result | Repercussion

These words reinforce the consequence or outcome of the preceding statement or declaration. 

as a consequencefor that reasonsuitably
as a resultfor this reasonthat being so
because theforthwiththat being the case
correctlyin effectthereupon
correspondinglyin that casethus
dulyon that accountunder those circumstances

Study Also:

Conclusion | Ending | Summary | Restatement | Finish

absolutelyfor the most partoverall
after allgenerally speakingpalpably
all in allgiven these pointspatently
all things consideredin a wordplainly
altogetherin any eventpositively
as can be seenin briefsure
as has been notedin conclusionsurely
as shown abovein either casethere are no two ways about it
assuredlyin essencethere is no denying it
beyond any doubtin factto sum up
beyond any questionin shortto summarize
beyond doubtin summarytransparently
beyond questionin the final analysisultimately
by a milein the long rununavoidably
by and largeincontestablyundeniably
definitelyneedless to sayusually
doubtlessobviouslywithout any doubt
easilyon balancewithout doubt
far and awayon the wholewithout fail
for sureordinarilywithout question

Chronology | Time | Moment | Occasion | Sequence | Instant | Stage | Phase | Period | Interval | Date

aboutfor the presentnow that
afterfor the time beingnowadays
all of a suddenformerlyoccasionally
as long asforthwithon the spot
as quickly as possiblefrom time to timeonce
as soon asfurtherpresently
as soon as possiblehenceprior to
at oncehenceforthquickly
at presenthere and nowright now
at the minuteimmediatelyshortly
at the momentin a momentsimultaneously
at the present momentin due timesince
at the present timein the first placesooner or later
at the same timein the interimstraight away
at this instantin the intervalsuddenly
at this moment in timein the intervening periodtemporarily
at this timein the meantimethe while
beforein the meanwhilethen
by the timein timethere and then
currentlyjust nowto begin with
eventuallylateruntil now
finallymeantimeup to the present time
first, second, third…meanwhilewhen
for nownextwhenever
for the momentnowwithout delay

Location | Place | Position| Space | Site | Scene

abovefromnot subject to
above allfurtheron
above-statedfurther down thanon this side
acrossfurther onon top of
adjacent tohereopposite to 
alongsidehere and thereover
amidhigher thanover and above
amongin a later placeoverlooking
antecedentin excess ofprecedent
aroundin front ofpreceding
at the bottomin preference toprevious
at the endin the backgroundpreviously
at the later pointin the center ofrather than
atopin the distanceright 
beforein the foregroundsmaller than
behindin the middlesuperior to
belowinferior tosurpassing
besideless thanto the left
betweenlower thanto the right
beyondmore thanunder
exempt fromnextupon
followingnot as much aswhere
formernot so much aswherever

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