English Exercises and Quizzes

Exercises and Quizzes
Exercises and Quizzes

On this page, you can find lots of English exercises and quizzes to practice your English: Articles, prepositions, verb tenses, vocabulary, spelling, confusing words, irregular verbs, irregular plurals, idioms, modals, conditionals, and a lot more!!!

They are all corrected in real-time and you will receive a score once you have answered all of the questions. If you would like, you can retake the quiz or take another one by returning to this page.

You can also use our search bar to find a specific topic to test your knowledge on.

Also, make sure you study the subject thoroughly and correctly answer all questions! Good luck!

Exercises and quizzes in English about articles, confusing words, prepositions, verb tenses, vocabulary, spelling, irregular verbs, idioms, irregular plurals, modals, conditionals, and a lot more!!! You can use the pagination menu to find more or you can use the search menu to search within English Super Site.

Choose one now and begin learning English today! They are all corrected in real-time and you will get a score when you answer all questions.

Good luck and enjoy!

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